init_data file format --------------------- Example file: 5000 3 1 1 4 1 1 0 ABC A square BC 0 1 B pond AC 0 1 C shop AB 0 1 First line variables seperated by spaces: PORT # number between 1000 and 9999 This is the main login port for the talker. Port offsets for who/wiz/web port are set in hdrfiles/constants.h TOTAL ROOMS total number of rooms defined in this file. Increase this when you add a new room in here. ROOM ATMOSPHERICS 1 for yes, 0 for no. Can be toggled online. Determines whether all rooms will have random atmospheric messages on at bootup. SYSTEM LOGGING 1 for yes, 0 for no. Can be toggled online. MESSAGE LIFETIME a whole number in days. This is how long the talker will wait before deleting messages from the message boards that many days old. NEW USERS ALLOWED 2 for yes, unrestricted user creation 1 for yes, by email verification only 0 for no RESOLVE IP ADDRESSES 1 for yes with talker caching and gethostbyaddr() (NOTE: gethostbyaddr() is a blocking function. This means that and ip->hostname resolution can freeze the talker for X number of seconds while lookup is attempted. option 2 is recommended where supported) 2 for yes with talker caching and external resolver clip-on. The external clip-on resolver is a helper app that takes the burden off the talker for doing ip->hostname resolution. This prevents the talker from freezing while lookup is attempted. 3 for yes with just external resolver clip-on 4 for yes with just gethostbyaddr() 0 for no resolution of ips->hostnames See README.dns_resolving for more info This is only the initial setting..can be toggled online. BACKUP/ARCHIVE LOGS 1 to have the talker backup/archive logs at midnight (can be changed with .backup) 0 to not have it back/archive them up ROOMS LOCKED TO PUBLIC room letters locked to public (can't be made private) Room connection lines, variables seperated by spaces: ROOM LETTER IDENTIFIER the letter indentifying the room. start from "A", all the way to "Z", then the following characters: [ \ ] ^ _ ` and then start with "a" to "z" ROOM NAME the name of the room, case-sensitive, no spaces EXITS consecutive letters designating a 1-way connection to another room(s). For a room with no connections, use a * IS ROOM HIDDEN? 1 for yes, 0 for no IS ROOM WITH ATMOS ON? 1 for yes, 0 for no. Can be toggled online. Each line after the first line is considered a room. The first room line designates the first room as room A, the second as room B, and so on; So that you can make the exits from room to room in the EXITS field. If you need more than 26 rooms (A-Z) refer to the 437 code page table for the characters that come after them (or refer above). Room descriptions are stored in a text file named as the room name. So the room description for the room "pond" will be in a file called "pond" in the config directory. You can edit/create this with a text editor or create/edit it online with the .descroom command. ALL fields for the lines are required! -Cygnus Anthony J. Biacco