Code tracking ------------- Be advised I have implemented a very simple code tracking system into the code. Whenever the talker is booted or shut down, it will fire off mail email to Included in the email is various BASIC info from the talker, name, owner, address, # of users, new user status, theme, etc.. This info will be used for a database to create an HTML list of ncohafmuta talkers on the net and/or for me to assist new admins on their new talker or monitor crashes from their talkers (to offer assistance). It shows the info mentioned plus up and down status of the talker. This tracking does NOT pass any sensitive information to me (you can look for yourself in srcfiles/server.c). If you REALLY want to turn it off, set DO_TRACKING to 0 in hdrfiles/constants.h Recompile, soft reboot. NOTE: Do NOT kill a talker with 'kill -9' unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and no other kill signals are effective in shutting down the talker. (You should be using the ./shutdown script anyway) The talker list, if available, will be at: Thanx, -Cygnus