---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "Rooms/Moving Around" Tutorial The talker is made up of a series of connected "virtual rooms". The type and number of rooms are usually based on the theme of the talker, the # of users in the community, and how often users need a room to talk privately. A normal room is set "public", meaning it is freely enterable. These rooms can be made "private" by a user, for private conversations. 2 or more users must be in a room before it can be made "private". Once private, noone else can enter the room unless invited (see help on .invite) Once a private room is left with < 2 user, the room automatically becomes public again. Some rooms are LOCKED public, meaning the admin has made them so that they can't be changed to private. They are usually the main room and other rooms which are party to heavy public conversations. To list the rooms on the talker: .rooms To move to another room: .go .go just by itself moves you the main room To move to a room as a normal user, the room must be connected to the room you are currently in! You can tell this by either looking at the map (.map) or by seeing if the room is in the "You can go to the:" exits line displayed with .look To follow/join a user in the room they are in: .follow To request to enter a room that is "private": .knock By default, when you log into the talker, you are put back into the smae room you logged out from. So if you were in the "foyer" when you left, you will log back into the "foyer". Assuming the "foyer" isn't private at the time. You can make a room on the talker your "home" room. You will be moved there whenever you type the ".home" command. You change this using the ".set home " command. Each room on the talker has a conversation buffer. This buffer holds XX number of lines of previous public conversation. The conversation buffer in a "private" room is wiped when the room is auto- matically set public again. To read a room's conversation buffer: .review To clear a room's conversation buffer: .cbuff To look at the current room and its exits, users, and description: .look You should now read the "How To Use Mail" tutorial by typing ".h mailtutor" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------