New User Help ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're new here, here is a quick run-down of what you should know how to do. It is suggested that you read the TUTORIAL and HELP files and look at all the information regarding the commands available to you. However many people are impatient and ignore them. That's your choice, however it usually ends up where some start asking others what this or that command does. In some cases that is the quickest way to get flamed. The people here should be above such immaturity, however it would be greatly encouraged and appreciated if you learn how use this talker and it's functions on your own. To read the tutorial, type: .h tutorial To read the FAQ, type: .faq To read the rules, type: .rules If you need any help that you CAN'T find in those files, type: .sos HELP ME! And if a staff member is on, they will help -----------------------------------------------------------------------------