---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "How to Change Settings/Info" Tutorial Well, now that you have gotten this far, it is time to change settings regarding info other users will see via ".examine" and ".ustat" The first command that is an obvious no brainer is the ".set" command. Typing this command by itself will list out all of the sub-commands you can use with it. Some of the main ones are email, gender, homepage, hidden, and recap. The syntax for the command is ".set " For example: To set your email you would type: .set email eat@joes.com To set your gender you would type: .set gender male (female) To set your homepage you would type: .set homepage http://www.test.com The ".set hidden" and ".set recap" functions are special commands. The ".set hidden" will hide your password at login time so that it isn't echoed back when you type it. This keeps your password private and lessens the chances of someone hacking into your account. The ".set recap" allows you to change how your name appears in the talker. For example: The user name jazzin can be changed to JaZzIn by typing: ".set recap JaZzIn" These are just some of the things that you can set with the ".set" command. Please read the help files for more detailed descriptions on usage. Help on the sub-commands is under ".h set_" i.e. ".h set_email" The ".ignore" command is another great command to know and understand. This command allows you to ignore specific messages in the talker. For example, ignoring shouts. If shouts start to bother you, all you have to do is type ".ignore shouts" and you won't have to listen to them anymore. Going along with the .ignore command is the .listen command. This allows you to listen to messages that you have ignored. To listen to a message you have ignored, like shouts, all you have to do is type ".listen shouts" and you are in business. By default, you are set to listen too ALL messages. By typing ".ignore" or ".listen" by themselves, it will tell you which messages you are ignoring or listening to, respectively. Next you should read the "General Concepts" tutorial by typing ".h gentutor" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------